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Design Talk No. 3 with Kimberley Kay

Its been a minute since the last 'Design Talk', so I am very excited to get back into it and introduce you to the lovely Kim K. No not the Kardashain! This Kim K is faaaar more interesting and talented :) Sorry Kardashian lovers but my American Kim K crush is of the interiors kind :)

But before we dive into this months Design Talk, if you are playing catch up click here to see what the ever talented Pati Robins had to say about her home style and the inspiration behind it.

For Design Talk número tres I have the pleasure of introducing you to Kimberley Kay of Kimberley Kay Interiors. You may also know Kim from her array of beautiful interior jobs showcased on her Instagram page @kimberleykayinteriors. Click here to give the girl a like! :) The California Girl now living in Arizona with her hubby and two babes has been dominating the American design scene since 2017 and this little lady has some major drive!  I mean double speed drive, in 18 months Kim completed a total of 47 interiors. Yup! hats off Kim!

Kims likes to take a fun approach to interior projects and this can be seen in her beautiful interior style. Kimberley creates interiors that are bright, liveable and have that overall Cali relaxed vibe…Yup love it!

But enough of what I think of Miss Kimberley lets see what you guys think and get the low down from America's fun-loving Interior Designer!  

1: Can you tell me a little more about you, your interior design studio, and what you feel best describes your interior style?

Kimberley Kay Interiors works out of a​ home office in Chandler and is bringing you some bangin' new interior/exterior spaces that invite, add function, and feel full and cohesive! This company speaks to real clients who want real spaces to brighten their lives! KKI's jam is full of Coastal, Boho, Modern and Transitional inspired spaces that we can curate to make things as pretty as they can be! We handle projects that are quick turn around spaces that we can make SING without too many hardscape changes (i.e- major renovations). When it comes to quick turn around projects KKI will take on projects that only need minor renovations (i.e. backsplash, countertops, wallpaper focal walls, painting and some other minor adjustments).

2: What has been your favourite residential project you have worked on and why?

​My favourite project to date is my Coastal Transitional Design project as my heart and soul is this exact aesthetic. The clients were a joy to work with and allowed me to do my thing with giving me great feedback and a nice budget.

3: What was your inspiration behind the above project's design?

​​I was able to spend some time in San Diego CA when I was designing, so I was able to go sourcing down in Newport Beach and get some coastal inspiration while designing the project.

4: Where do you look or usually find your inspiration?

Instagram is where I go to find inspiration and ​I also love to go to the Las Vegas Market to see what is coming to market that is trending. Because I am able to do quick turn around projects I can usually get those items photographed quick after an install and that makes my designs relevant and trendy to onlookers.

5: What in your view makes a great designed interior?

​I think when you have a room filled with appropriate scale and all the tones make a story then you have a space that works. If the scale of furniture, artwork or a light fixture is off the space won't feel connected. ​

6: Your interiors always have a fresh and bright vibe to them! I love it! Do you have some simple or clever advice for someone who's looking to brighten up there interior? Let's say for the living room :) or whichever room comes to mind. :)

​If you're looking to change and brighten up your Living room or home you can do the easiest thing by painting. Im a huge advocate for this as it will change the entire dynamic of the space(s). Right now everything is going from grey to bright white. This has been awesome because it let's the furniture shine and have a moment.

7: What is your favourite room in any home to design?

​I love designing the heart of the home which is a great room....where the kitchen, breakfast nook and Family room are connected. This allows me to tell a story and show each space has it's design, yet it's connected and purposeful. ​I also love designing funky offices or spaces for owners who want something personal and different than the average Joe!

8: Kim you're widely known to be the funny girl of design from your hilarious Instagram videos to your fun approach to interior design. I for one LOVE this and feel clients would really appreciate it during the stress of a re-design. Can you let us know a little bit more about making interior design FUN?  I try not to take myself so serious in this industry and I give my clients a fun and corky side of me that let's them know that this process is to be enjoyed and exciting instead of something so stark and frustrating.  I mean I was the "funniest girl" in high school circa 2004 ;-) so there's that, but I also want them to know that even though I can be corky, it is business and I will handle the job completely and make sure everything goes smoothly all the while running a profitable business for myself. 

9: K last question :) What interior designer can you not get enough of this month and why :)

​Hands Down Studio McGee through and through.....but some other designers that I LOVE are:

1. Lindye Galloway Interiors - They have a great coastal style and their total package is on point!

2. Brook Wagner Design - Same fresh coastal feel.

OMG I love Studio McGee and you actually so remind me of her!! Love it! Thank you so much for taking part in Design Talk Kimberley :) To see more from the best Kim K in the States check her instagram here and to see more of her work check our her website here.

Thanks again Kim xx

Next month we will be talking to the Irish queen of DIY Katrina Carroll of Vintage Irish Kat... Excited? xx

If you would like to be featured on Design Talk, get in touch! Email


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